Ekpang Nkukwo is a traditional Cocoyam porridge dish which originates from the Efiks and Ibibios of South Eastern Nigeria. It takes approximately 20-30 minutes to prepare and its consistency depends on you. Ingredients Serves – 5-6 people 5 tubers of Cocoyam –...
Here is a highly nutritious Italian dish you can make from the comfort of your home. It’s quick to prepare, taking less than 25 minutes in total, and can be enjoyed by all ages. Ingredients Serves – 6 people 1 Pack of Spaghetti 200g of shredded chicken...
The sauteed Italian dish is characterised by a unique cheesy or buttery taste Ingredients Serves – 6 people 8 ounces (half a box) Penne Pasta 4 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons of Mamador Pure Vegetable Oil 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 bunch of fresh...
Chicken broth and corn flour meal cooked with lemon and eggs. It is ideal for an intimate family party or dinner. Ingredients Serves – 5 people 100g boneless chicken breast 2 tablespoons of Mamador Pure Vegetable Oil 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped ½ teaspoon...
This low-carbohydrate meal is a great choice for younger kids or the elderly. It can be enjoyed as an appetizer dish or a light dinner. Ingredients Serves – 6 people Medium head Cabbage (Shredded/Chopped) Mamador Pure Vegetable Oil 1 medium sized onion (Chopped)...