Jollof Spaghetti Recipe

Jollof Spaghetti Recipe

Jollof Spaghetti, dubbed from the Nigerian Jollof rice, is a quick dish to make with a similar recipe to its rice variation. It can be garnished with your preferred choice of vegetables to make it even more exciting and nutritious. Ingredients Serves - 6 people 1...

Jollof Turkey Wings Recipe

Jollof Turkey Wings Recipe

Jollof Turkey Wings are perfect for you If you love turkey and spicy food. This tasty dish takes regular fried turkey wings one step further with a deliciously spicy sauce that's sure to make it a kitchen favourite. Ingredients Serves - 4 people 10 turkey wings ¼ cup...

Fried Brown Rice and Vegetables Recipe

Fried Brown Rice and Vegetables Recipe

Fried rice is a staple in most Nigerian homes. Using brown rice, a healthier substitute for white rice, you reduce the carbs in your meal. It is also faster to prepare as the brown rice has to be cooked (or soaked) before the meal is prepared. The good thing about...

Potato and Veggies Beef Soup Recipe

Potato and Veggies Beef Soup Recipe

This is delicious meal is inspired by yam peppersoup using irish potatoes. The rich blend of flavours from the beef broth mixed with the potatoes is indeed a tasty delight! Enjoy this rich comfort food on a cool night. Ingredients Serves - 5 people 1 kg of beef, cut...

Beef Stew with Carrots Recipe

Beef Stew with Carrots Recipe

Food really shouldn’t be boring and since stews have the tendency to be, we decided to spice things up. Carrots contain beta carotene, which means your stew not only tastes great, your skin is popping also! Ingredients Serves - 5 - 10 people 10 medium size carrots ½...

Ram Suya Recipe

Ram Suya Recipe

Ram Suya is a favourite at barbecues. It is the perfect healthy treat as it is prepared by placing the ram meat over high heat thereby melting away much of its fat content. Ram can be tender when cooked but this recipe helps you achieve a firm, delicious and healthy...

Corned Beef Stew Recipe

Corned Beef Stew Recipe

This is a tomato-based Nigerian sauce made with corned beef. It can be eaten with a wide variety of staple foods, and common variations include stew with minced meat Ingredients Serves - 3 1 large tin of corned beef 400g chopped tomatoes 1 large onion (chopped) 1...

Fish Stew Recipe

Fish Stew Recipe

Fish stew is made with fresh fish and a nice selection of spices. It is known for being a healthy stew and is enjoyed by most Nigerian families. Ingredients Serves - 5 people Blended Pepper 140g of Tomato paste Mamador Pure Vegetable Oil (Enough for cooking) 2...

Fish Pepper Soup Recipe

Fish Pepper Soup Recipe

Fish Pepper soup takes less than twenty minutes to prepare. Even though it is enjoyed in different parts of Nigeria, it is notably popular in the Niger Delta region as a local delicacy. Ingredients Serves - 4 people Tilapia Fish: about 500g A pack of ground pepper...

Goat Meat Pepper Soup Recipe

Goat Meat Pepper Soup Recipe

Goat Meat Pepper Soup, also known as nwo-nwo or ngwo-ngwo, is a spicy dish that is best served hot in order to get the most flavour out of its ingredients. It's best served with a chilled glass of beer or wine, and can be eaten with boiled plantain or yam. Ingredients...